The FPCA Homeowners Division: URGENT ACTION ALERT!

Apr 10, 2014

Florida Property and Casualty Association Homeowners Division Members:

This morning, the House Regulatory Affairs Committee passed HB 743, the CFO’s Homeowners’ Bill of Rights legislation.

Included in the last iteration of the bill, attached, is Section 9 that defines and attempts to place some restrictions on “emergency mitigation service” agreements. Similar language is also in the companion Senate legislation, SB 708, which is ready to go to the Senate floor.

The vendors, trial attorneys and other opposing interests are working desperately to remove this section from the bill. We believe this section is good, and can be dramatically improved with the addition of just a few words, in italicized bold below:

(2)(a) The agreement entered into by the policyholder complies with the terms of the applicable insurance policy, including an insurer’s right to repair or any managed repair or preferred vendor policy provisions;

In order to make this happen and prevent our opponents from removing this section entirely, we ask that you call and/or email CFO Atwater’s office immediately and express your support for his bill, the “emergency mitigation service” agreement Section 9, and our proposed change.

Here is CFO Atwater’s contact information, as well as contact information for the CFO’s legislative affairs office:

CFO Atwater: (850) 413-2850

Logan McFaddin: (850) 413-2863

Should you have any questions, please contact Katie Webb ( and William Stander (