Category: Citizens Property Insurance Corporation

Citizens Board of Governors Meeting 6/23/06

Jan 12, 2007

Please find attached a summary of the Citizens Board of Governors meeting which was held yesterday. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Regards, Fred E. Karlinsky

Poe Insurance Group Liquidation Update 6/15/06

Jan 12, 2007

This morning Judge Janet Ferris agreed to accept an amended Liquidation Plan making a very minor clarification in the plans approved for Southern Family Insurance Company, Atlantic Preferred Insurance Company and Florida Preferred Insurance Company. The clarification will specifically state …

Citizens Claims Committee Meeting 04/07/06

Jan 10, 2007

The Citizens Claims Committee (“Claims Committee”) held a meeting on April 6, 2006 during which the following topics were discussed: The possibility of running Florida Crime Information Center (“FCIC”) and National Crime Information Center (“NCIC”) criminal background checks on its …

Citizens Board of Governors Meeting 1/20/2006

Dec 20, 2006

On January 19, 2006, the Board of Governors of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation met in Jacksonville, Florida for a regularly scheduled meeting. Chairman Bruce Douglas stated that Hurricane Wilma created the largest storm loss for Citizens with 135,000 claims. Of …