Updated Reminder: FPCA Homeowners Division Meeting Tomorrow at 3 p.m.

Feb 25, 2010

The FPCA Homeowners Division will be meeting via teleconference tomorrow, February 26, at 3:00 p.m.  The call-in number is 800.369.1285; conference code: 63016#.

An agenda for the meeting, as well as minutes from the February 8 and January 22 meetings, are attached.  Also attached are a revised draft and summary of Representative Nelson’s bill relating to insurance fraud, as well as a compilation of Member comments on proposed legislation, and a list of the Homeowners Division’s legislative priorities.

Updated:  Attached to this notice is the compilation of Member comments that was inadvertently omitted from the previous meeting reminder.

If you have any questions, please contact Katie Webb at kwebb@cftlaw.com