Florida Office of Insurance Regulation Reminder re Deadline for Appeal of Limited Apportionment Company Status 3/13/2006

Jan 4, 2007

This is a reminder that the deadline to file the Appeal for Limited Apportionment Company status with the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) will expire on March 31, 2006. The Appeal must be received by OIR on or before March 31, 2006 in order to be valid. Because of this quickly approaching deadline, any insurer that wants to request this status should proceed immediately.

Generally, a Limited Apportionment Company is an insurer with policyholder surplus of $25 Million or less, writing 25% or more of its total countrywide property insurance premium in the State of Florida. Also, the insurer must file a timely appeal to request this status and the appeal must be granted by OIR. Specific issues with regard to any particular insurer’s eligibility for this status should be carefully reviewed and evaluated.

If any clients require our assistance or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.