State Representative Dana Young Announces Page and Messenger Essay Contest

Dec 29, 2010

The following news release was issued by the office of State Representative Dana Young on December 29, 2010: 

Florida House of Representatives Page and
Messenger Essay Contest

State Representative Dana Young has announced she will be conducting
an essay contest for those students interested in serving as a Page or
Messenger in the Florida Legislature for one week during the upcoming
session. Interested students should prepare a typed 250 word essay on
the following topic:  “WHY I LOVE FLORIDA”

Representative Young and a panel of evaluators will then select one Page
and one Messenger to represent District 57 this Session.
Essays must be accompanied by a completed Page or Messenger Program Application (copies attached), and must be received by Representative Young at her office, located at 2902 W. Bay to Bay Blvd, Suite 202, Tampa, FL 33629, no later than 5:00 p.m. on MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 2011.

Details of the Program are as follows. Pages must be 12 ‐ 14 years of age to be eligible to serve.
Pages distribute materials to members, deliver messages, and perform other routine duties for members within the Chamber during times the House is in session.  Messengers must be 15‐18 years of age to be eligible to serve. Messengers pick up and deliver materials within the capitol complex for members and legislative offices.  Pages and Messengers are required to make their own travel and lodging arrangements in Tallahassee, and are required to pay their own expenses.  Further, adult supervision is required outside of the Page or Messenger’s service hours at the Capitol.

For additional information, contact the office of State Representative Dana Young at (813) 835‐2270 or email