Regulators to Meet With Potential Nonadmitted Insurance Multi-State Agreement (NIMA) Clearinghouse Vendors

Mar 21, 2011


The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has advised that the March 27, 2011 Surplus Lines Implementation Task Force (“Task Force”) meeting has been canceled.  The meeting was part of the NAIC’s March 26-29 2011 Spring National Meeting agenda.

Instead, a regulator-only session will be held the same day (March 27) from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the same location (Austin Convention Center- Rooms 18A-C-Level 4)  so that Task Force members and interested regulators can meet with potential vendors to discuss the proposed clearinghouse services contemplated by the Nonadmitted Insurance Multi-State Agreement, also known as “NIMA.”

The Task Force will schedule another open conference call shortly after the NAIC’s March 26-29 2011 Spring National Meeting.


Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Colodny Fass.