Florida Representative Mike Fasano calls for Citizens Property Insurance board to resign

Jan 18, 2013

The following article was published in the Tampa Bay Times on January 18, 2013:

Rep. Fasano calls for Citizens Insurance Board to resign

By Times Staff Writer


State Rep. Mike Fasano on Friday called for the immediate resignation of all seven board members of Citizens Property Insurance in the wake of a critical Florida Inspector General’s report on excessive travel costs at the state-run insurer.

At the same time Citizens is pressing to raise rates on homeowners, “board members and executives are travelling literally around the world, staying at the finest hotels and dining on first-class food, all at its customers’ expense,” said Fasano, R-New Port Richey.

Gov. Rick Scott requested a review after the Tampa Bay Times and Miami Herald reported that Citizens’ travel costs far exceed those allowed for most state employees. Fasano said the Senate president and House speaker should appoint new board members who will be “fiscally responsible” and “clean house.”

View the original article here:  http://www.tampabay.com/news/rep-mike-fasano-calls-for-citizens-insurance-board-to-resign/1271198