Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation Adopts Health Care Provider Certification Rule

Feb 8, 2013


The Florida Department of Financial Services’ Division of Workers’ Compensation (“DWC”) has adopted the Health Care Provider Certification Rule (Rule Chapter 69L-29, Florida Administrative Code), effective February 6, 2013.  To view the Rule Chapter, click here

The revised Rule modifies the process by which health care providers meet the minimum criteria for certification pursuant to section 440.13(3)(a), Florida Statutes.   

The Rule also introduces the “Florida Workers’ Compensation Health Care Provider Certification Tutorial,” a no-cost online resource that implements an electronic certification process for health care providers that will improve the efficiencies in the certification process.  The tutorial ensures participation only by statutorily-defined providers and offers a learning tool that allows providers to progress at their own pace and to create and maintain their provider profile.

The tutorial consists of an overview of the Florida Workers’ Compensation System and the general administrative policies with which a health care provider must become familiar to be certified and successfully participate in Florida’s workers’ compensation program.

In anticipation of this new provider certification Rule, the DWC has been sending out notifications to currently certified providers, inviting them to access and review their respective profiles.


Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Colodny Fass& Webb.


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