Colodny Fass supports homeless in Capital City

Jan 10, 2021

From the Kearney Center: On any day of the year, CESC’s emergency homeless shelter—The Kearney Center—serves as the safety net for individuals who are experiencing homeless in the Big Bend Region of Florida. With the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, our community’s needs for safe emergency shelter has increased, along with associated operational costs. Together, we have been working with our community partners to help keep the Capital City safe by providing a safe “HOME” for our vulnerable neighbors who find themselves facing homelessness. Following CDC congregate living and social distancing guidelines related to the pandemic has required that we relocate all 400 of our homeless clients from the Kearney Center into two local motels and one apartment building. Without generous support from partners such as Colodny Fass, CESC would not have been able to provide the essential services to our clients during these extraordinary times. CESC’s client services team members continue to be vigilant in serving and protecting our homeless clients from exposure to COVID-19, and in turn protecting the entire community.