Broward Schools & Property Tax Edition: Capitol to Courthouse Headliners–Sept. 10

Sep 10, 2007

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Public hearing Tuesday on Broward budget

Broward County taxpayers can offer input on the county budget at a public hearing at 5:01 p.m. Tuesday.


Speaking Out: Where has the money gone?

Florida residents have demanded ad valorem tax relief. The issue was demagogued by police and fire fighters who gathered in Tallahassee warning of impending doom. The Alachua County Commission spoke of severe cuts in services.


Broward cities’ budget cuts vary widely

The deadline is looming for Florida cities facing millions in state-mandated budget cuts, and as leaders pull out their red pens, it’s clear that Broward’s choices reflect cities’ personalities, priorities and past budget behavior.


Republicans in House, Senate benefit from budget cuts delay

TALLAHASSEE — Republican House and Senate leaders postponed a special session this week after they could not agree on budget cuts, but officials in both chambers said Friday that the delay offers possible political benefits for each chamber.


State agencies seek $27 million payday

TALLAHASSEE — Despite Florida’s pending budget crunch, state agencies are seeking an extra $27 million to plug current holes and start new projects.


Tax bill challenges expected to surge

The number of property owners fighting to lower their tax bills is expected to grow by as much as 40 percent this year – the highest number of challenges in more than a decade.


Budget cuts won’t fix a creaking tax system

Until Gov. Charlie Crist and the Florida Legislature acknowledge reality, this state’s future will be awfully bleak. The cost to maintain the status quo in public education, universities, social services, transportation and other areas – forget about improvements – is too much for the antiquated tax system to handle.


State budget solution may bump traffic fixes

The wait in traffic just may be getting a little longer. Um, a lot longer. Gov. Charlie Crist’s plan to balance the state budget in light of a more than $1-billion shortfall includes the idea of tapping into state budget trust funds, including grabbing $225-million from the Department of Transportation.


Palm Beach County tax cuts favor those hit hardest by rising property values

When Palm Beach County property owners open their tax notices this month, most are discovering something they haven’t seen in years: lower bills.


Warning: Don’t vote away jobs

The Florida Chamber of Commerce has thrown its weight behind the property tax amendment voters will consider in January, but some Treasure Coast business leaders aren’t quite ready to jump on the bandwagon.


Despite promised cuts, Broward governments to collect more in property taxes

This month was supposed to be historic, a time when local governments would deliver taxpayers their first relief in years. But a South Florida Sun-Sentinel analysis found that Broward County property owners likely will pay an additional $63 million in property taxes this year.


Amid state spending cuts, port gains cash

TALLAHASSEE – In an era of shrinking state spending, the Port of Jacksonville has pulled off a remarkable feat: $17.6 million in fast-tracked funds for its new terminal projects.


Before university cuts, change Bright Futures

Gov. Crist announced last week that he wants to cut 3.6 percent overall from the state budget, but 6.2 percent from the university system’s budget. This would happen even as the state devotes nearly $400 million to Bright Futures scholarships, many of which go to average and above-average students and to families that don’t need them.


Chronic truants’ parents could get time in jail

Parents of kids who habitually skip school could find themselves locked up under an aggressive plan to curb truancy in this Florida Panhandle community.


Government’s mortgage aid questioned

As more states and cities struggle to find the money to bail out homeowners caught up in the housing downturn, some Americans are wondering why government should be rewarding people for their greed or irresponsibility.


Residents outraged at dilapidated state of schoolhouse

PORT SALERNO — Cracks in the roof let the sunshine in, along with the rain. Warped floorboards make it too dangerous to walk on one side of the room. Insulation hangs from the ceiling, the stench of mold hangs in the air.


Firms pushing for Lottery privatization

Two Wall Street giants, who could stand to earn millions if chosen to help Florida, have been pushing for months the privatization of Florida’s 20-year-old Lottery.


House, Senate leaders: Legislature must approve gambling compact

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — As Gov. Charlie Crist nears a deal with the Seminole Tribe on gambling at its casinos, House and Senate leaders said Monday that any agreement has to be approved by the Legislature.


Leaving No Child Behind

With House hearings on the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act beginning today, The Post asked educators, lawmakers and others for their views of the legislation and what might improve it.