Insurance Premium Tax, Civil Remedy Notice Rule Hearing Reports

Aug 6, 2008

On Tuesday, August 5, 2008, the Florida Department of Revenue (“DOR”) held a workshop regarding amendments to Rule 12B-8.003: Tax Statement; Overpayments.  To view the complete Rule text and meeting notice, click here.

The purpose of the proposed amendments are to:

  1. Adopt, by reference, changes to forms used by the DOR in administration of the insurance premium tax
  2. Update the information on how to obtain copies of forms from the DOR

The workshop was not requested by interested parties, and therefore, was not held. 

The DOR will likely schedule an additional Rule hearing to review the amendments prior to final adoption. 


Civil Remedy Notice Hearing Canceled

The Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Consumer Services recently canceled a scheduled hearing for proposed Rule 69J-123.002: Procedures.  

The proposed Rule adopts a new electronic form for filing a notice of intent to file a civil remedy action as provided in Section 642.155, F.S. The Form (Form DFS-I0-363, “Civil Remedy Notice of Insurer Violation”) would be adopted as the means to comply with the Notice requirement imposed by Section 624.155, F.S.

However, the hearing was not held because none was requested.  The proposed Rule will be heard next by the Florida Financial Services Commission for adoption.


To review the meeting notice and full text of the proposed Rule, click here. 


If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Colodny Fass.


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