Florida Tops Ten Worst Regulatory States for Property and Casualty Insurers

Jul 5, 2011



The following article was published in Property Casualty 360º on July 5, 2011:


10 Worst Regulatory States for P&C Insurers


By Eric Gilkey


Last week, we offered you the top 10 states ranked friendliest to P&C insurers and consumers when it comes to the state’s regulatory environment. As with all things, though, with the good comes the bad.

This week, we revisit the Heartland Institute’s report to take a look at the 10 states deemed to have the worst insurance regulatory environments based on two factors: how free consumers are to choose the P&C insurance products they want, and how free insurers are to provide the P&C insurance products consumers say they want. Whether it’s because of overly intrusive government, uncompetitive markets, or ratings practices, these 10 states are the unfriendliest to both the industry and consumers.

Follow along as we start at the bottom and look at the 10 states that earned the worst evaluations, including their grade, overall score, and commentary from study author and Heartland Institute Vice President of Washington, DC Operations Eli Lehrer, who explains each state’s ranking in the captions that follow.

To download The Heartland Institute’s entire study, click here.